De'wch addewidion de'wch yn awr
Dowch addewidion dowch yn awr

(Llwyddiant yr Efengyl)
Dowch, addewidion, dowch yn awr,
Dyhidlwch eich trysorau lawr;
  Myrddiynau ar fyrddiynau sydd,
  Yn dysgwyl am eich bore ddydd.

O doed i ben hapusaf ddydd,
Darfydded sôn am bethau sydd;
  Na'r byd, na'i wysg,
      na'i wae, na'i boen,
  Ond canu byth am
      waed yr Oen.

Un llais, un sŵn, un enw pur,
O'r dëau f'o i'r gogledd dir;
  O fôr i fôr, o gylch y byd,
  Sef enw Iesu
      oll i gyd.

Amen, amen, boed môr a thir,
Mewn perffaith hedd, mewn cariad pur;
  Heb ganddynt bleser o un rhyw,
  Ond caru'n Iesu mawr a'n Duw.

            - - - - -

Dowch, addewidion, dowch yn awr,
Dyhidlwch eich trysorau lawr;
  Myrddiynau ar fyrddiynau sydd
  Yn dysgwyl am eich bore ddydd.

Doed gogledd, de, a dwyrain bell,
I glywed y newyddion gwell;
  Ac eled swn
      efengyl gras 
  Yn gylch oddeutu'r ddaear las.

Y fagddu fawr yn fuan ffŷ,
Mae'r wawr ar dori oddifry;
  Y duwiau mân, difethir hwy,
  A neb ond Iesu'n Arglwydd mwy.

O! Haul Cyfiawnder dysglaer, llon,
Goleua'r byd yn llwyr o'i fron;
  Gwna nefol ddydd 'nol tywyll nos -
  Dydd seinio haeddiant
      gwaed y groes.

             - - - - -

Dowch addewidion, dowch yn awr,
Dyhidlwch eich trysorau lawr:
  Myrddiynau ar fyrddiynau sydd,
  Yn dysgwyl am eich bore ddydd.

Doed gogledd, dê, a dwyrain bell,
I glywed y newyddion gwell;
  Aed swn d'Efengyl
      Iesu 'maes,
  Yn gylch o ddeutu'r ddaear lâs.

Llama fel hŷdd tros fryniau pell,
Cyflawna'r addewidion gwell;
  O galw'd etholedig hâd,
  I brofi rhagorfreintiau'th waed.

             - - - - -

De'wch addewidion, de'wch yn awr,
Dyhidlwch eich trysorau lawr;
  Myrddiynau ar fyrddiynau sydd
  Yn dysgwyl am eich bore ddydd.

O, na foed ardal cyn bo hir,
O'r dwyrain draw i'r deheu dir,
  Na byddo'r iachawdwriaeth ddrud
  Yn llanw cyrau 'rhai'n i gyd.

            - - - - -

De'wch, addewidion, de'wch yn awr,
Dihidlwch eich trysorau'i lawr;
  Myrddiynau ar fyrddiynau sydd
  Yn dysgwyl am eich boreu ddydd.

Na foed ardaloedd eto'n hir,
O'r dwyrain i'r gorllewin dir,
  Na byddo'r iachawdwriaeth ddrud
  Yn llanw cyrau rhai'n i gyd.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Babylon (Thomas Campion 1567-1620)
Carey (Henry Carey 1685-1743)
Emyn Luther (Martin Luther 1483-1546)
Mainzer (Joseph Mainzer 1801-51)
Marsden (C MacFarlane 1785-1853)
Mecklenburgh (<1875)

  Dal fi fy Nuw dal fi i'r làn
  Duw tyr'd â'th saint o dan y ne'
  Fe dalodd Iesu'r dyled drud
  Newyddion braf a ddaeth i'n bro
  O Deued dydd yr India i ben
  Na fydded ardal cyn bo hir
  O na foed ardal cyn bo hir
  Pan clywo'r Indiaid draw am loes
  Pechadur wyf da gŵyr fy Nuw
  Un llais un swn un enw pur
  Y rhai bwrcasodd gwaed y nef

(The Success of the Gospel)
Come, ye promises, come now,
Drip your treasures down;
  Myriads upon myriad are
  Waiting for your morn of day.

O may the happiest day come to pass,
May mention of things that are pass away;
  Neither the world, nor its ostentation,
      nor its woe, nor its pain,
  But singing forever about
      the blood of the Lamb.

One voice, one sound, one pure name,
Be from the south to the northern land;
  From sea to sea, around the world,
  That is, the name of Jesus
      everything altogether.

Amen, amen, may sea and land be
In perfect peace, in pure love;
  Without having pleasure of any kind
  But loving our great Jesus and our God.

                 - - - - -

Come, ye promises, come now,
Drip your treasures down;
  Myriads upon myriads are 
  Waiting for your morn of day.

Let north, south, and far east come,
To hear the better news;
  And let the sound of the
      gospel of grace go
  As a circle around the blue-green earth.

The great thick-darkness shall soon flee,
The dawn is about to break from above;
  The small gods, to be destroyed are they,
  And no-one but Jesus our Lord any more.

O, radiant, cheerful Sun of Righteousness,
Light the world completely from his breast;
  Make heavenly day after dark night -
  A day to sound the merit
      of the blood of the cross.

                 - - - - -

Come, ye promises, come now,
Drip your treasures down;
  Myriads upon myriads are 
  Waiting for your morn of day.

Let north, south, and far east come,
To hear the better news;
  And let the sound of thy gospel
      of Jesus go out
  As a circle around the blue-green earth.

Leap like a hart across distant hills,
Fulfill the better promises;
  O call thy chosen seed,
  To experience the privileges of thy blood.

                 - - - - -

Come, ye promises, come now,
Drip your treasures down;
  Myriads upon myriads are 
  Waiting for your morn of day.

O, that there would be no region before long
From the far east to the southern land,
  Where the precious salvation would not be
  Flooding the all their corners.

                 - - - - -

Come, ye promises, come now,
Drip your treasures down;
  Myriads upon myriads are 
  Waiting for your morn of day.

Be there no region any more before long
From the east to the western land,
  Where the precious salvation would not be
  Flooding the all their corners.
tr. 2016,20 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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